disposable médical mask - disposable médical masque

الرمز الشريطي: 6971480022070(EAN / EAN-13)

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خصائص المنتج

Ata3bia: Sachet

العلامات التجارية: disposable médical masque

الفئات: fr:Pharmacie

بلدان بيع: فرنسا


→يتم سرد المكونات في الترتيب من حيث الأهمية (كمية).

قائمة المكونات:
The disposable medical mask consists of a mask body, mask band to the different materials of the mask body, our company divides the into A type and B type. The mask body of type A is made of non-wo body of type B is made of non-woven absorbent gauze. According the mask body, there are two specifications for the A and B types. Disposable medical masks are non-sterile disposable products. 900pe of application: It is suitable for wearing in general medical e exhalation or spraying of pollutants from the oral cavity and nasal c= nsctions for use: Open the single package along the tearing oper bag, take out the mask, take care not to touch the inner surface of th band to the ears, pull down the mask body with both hands, so that t completely cover your mouth and nose. duct performance: Disposable medical masks should be non-sterile disposable produc should be no less than 8.0cm, the bacterial filtration efficiency shouil than 100CFU/g.

إذا كان لهذا المنتج قائمة مكونات في العربية، فيرجى إضافتها. تحرير الصفحة

تحليل المكونات:

→ يعتمد التحليل فقط على المكونات المدرجة ولا يأخذ في الاعتبار طرق المعالجة.



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